Healthy Relationships
A relationship is how two or more people are connected. You can have many different kinds of relationships; you might have a relationship with your friend which is called a friendship.
Relationships can look different between different people. Everyone is different and have their own individual opinions on how relationships work. However, nobody should feel pressured to do things they don’t want to in a relationship or feel trapped or isolated by being in a relationship they don’t want to be in.
A healthy relationship checklist
In your relationship do you feel:
- Supported?
- Safe?
- Happy?
- Trusted?
- Respected?
- Loved?
Ask yourself:
Do you have fun?
Can you talk about things that are worrying or concerning you? Will that person listen to you?
If you aren’t happy in any of your relationships (this might be with a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner) then the best thing you can do is talk to someone.